This is a fun and modern take on a picture frame. A simple DIY turns adorable home decor! Follow the steps below to make your own!
Things You'll Need:
Wood pieces - I used 10" X 1" X .25
Paint or stain of your choosing
8 magnets - medium to strong strength
Strong glue
8" string or cord - I used a leather cord
Let's Get To It
Stain or paint your wood pieces to your desired color. I used a dark walnut stain for mine. Let dry.
Stick or glue magnets about 2 inches in on the back side of your wood pieces.
To ensure your pieces of wood line up, glue magnets on one piece of wood first, place the magnets you are going to use for the opposite side on top of the first set of magnets, add glue (or remove sticker backing), and carefully line up the second piece of wood to the first and stick down. Let dry.
Glue the two ends of your string just inside the magnets. But only on the piece of wood that will be the back, top piece of your frame. Let dry.
Assemble your frame pieces and it's ready to hang up!!
If you learn better by watching videos, I have one here for you! Enjoy!